Why you should work with us

Wine Tasting
As a maker of wines or spirits you want professional clients and consumers to be able to taste and review your product. With Vialsonthego you can reach 7 to 14 customers with one single regular bottle. Also, sending out your beverages worldwide becomes more convenient. Using our single serve Vials will not only result in a decrease in costs and waste but also brings new product opportunities.
Single serve samples for wineries
Easy to sample all over the world
(Online) Retail
Your customers will be overwhelmed by your extensive wine product range. You can offer them a custom made tasting kit created with your own wines or spirits. This tool helps them discover your full product range and invites them to try new wines or spirits.
Custom tasting tool for liquor stores
Custom tasting tool for retail or e-shop sales

The ultimate beverage solution for the travel industry. Our Vials are small, light and are an attractive, innovative way to serve wines and spirits to your customers if your are an airline company.
Save space and weight
Reduce costs and drink resposibly
Our Vials come in custom made gift boxes ready fo you to purchase them from our e-shop.
Use them as a premium gift for your loved ones or for your company.
Ready made or custom wine gift boxes
The perfect welcome gift for your hotel guests

Vials on the go
A sip of elegance
Kounavoi, Heraklion crete